How Video Games Can Help With Surgery Recovery

Video games are engaging, interactive, and enjoyable to play. Recently, a friend of mine went through shoulder surgery, and as a recovery tactic he bought himself an x-box. What does an x-box have to do with healing?

The video games that he played kept him entertained through out the day so that he did not push the limits of his medically ordered restrictions. It can be a challenge to sit still for long periods of time, especially for someone who is used to working and being active all day long. I was so interested in the fact that video games helped his recovery progress so smoothly that I had to write about it. More people might be able to use this strategy and help themselves get through the physically and mentally challenging phase of recovering from surgery.

Helping With Mood

As my friend spent long hours alone in his apartment, he found comfort in the fact that he could engage with other real people through interactive video games. He communicated with teams, built relationships, and had some humor in his life. This meant a lot to him and helped him stay positive as he moved through the recovery period.

I have also experienced this with my brother, who became depressed after a difficult relationship. Since neither he nor I wanted to spend long hours on the phone rehashing his break up and emotions, we decided to meet nightly through gaming. Since he lives several hours from me, it was not possible for me to visit him, but because we could play video games each night it felt like we were in contact and I could tell that he was coping with his depression. Even just the fact that he was playing the game and making comments meant a lot to me. I know that my presence through the game also meant a lot to him. Video games can help with mental health when we go through hard times.

Physical Recovery Through Immobility

One of the most challenging things that I noticed after my friend had surgery was that he could not go outside. Despite this, he stayed sane. Since he lived in a cold area at the time, and there was heavy snow and ice, every trip outside meant that he’d risk having a fall and ruining the work that had been done surgically on his shoulder. Because he had video games he was able to stay sane through that ridiculously strict expectation.

Having Fun While Staying Relaxed

Rest and relaxation is important as you recover from surgery. Doing school work or work from home can be too taxing, because of either pain medication, fatigue, or simply the lack of focus that comes along with intense healing.

Making the time pass without getting bored is a real trick. Television and movies might suffice for a few days, but what about a few months? When you play a video game you have the added benefit of working towards a goal with many of the gaming options. Getting to the next level feels satisfying, and people have fun getting competitive in an easy going way.

My friend was able to return to work with advanced concrete tioga with a great attitude and a healed body. He physically, mentally, and emotionally survived his surgery and recovery, and I think that it was largely due to video games.

In the US, about 95% of families are connected online and for all the time an adult spends at home, 5 hours are used on a computer according to a poll conducted by Yahoo titled Reader’s Digest. If technology is left unchecked, it can control your home. Here are tips that can help you take control of your family tech time.

1. Be the role model

Teenagers learn better from the model and not from the rules. If you want your children to abstain from using their tech at certain times, be an example to them. To achieve this, wake up before them and accomplish with what you have to do on the internet before they wake. Also, go to the house in the evening after finishing all your work.

Setting rules for your kids while you are doing the opposite will not yield the best results. Let your children see the rules as a norm by being an example.

2. Technology is not a necessity

Parents are obliged to provide basic needs for their children such as food, shelter, clothing, affection, and education. Let your children know that the TVs, smartphones, and computers are not a necessity but a privilege. Your children should know that an opportunity to use technology is not automatic.

If your children understand this, then they will always be trying to get the best from any tech time that they get. Also, there will be no room for conflict in the house.

3. Spend time with your family

Some parents have very little time for their children. They spend most of their times on phones, computers, or away from home and kids. What this means is that the children are left to spend most of their time alone. This may lead to addiction to some techs as these kids try to find ways to take away their loneliness.

Always ensure you are there for your family. Spend as much time with your kids as possible.

4. Parental approval

As a parent, you must approve all the technology that is used in your home. This includes the program to watch on television, the app to download, and which websites to open among others. Be strict with your kids and punish them if they fail to observe any of these conditions.

There should be no room for exception. If you are not sure about the appropriateness of a tech, find a place to get the relevant information.

5. Create a media policy

If you want to create harmony in your home, set a media policy. Decide who should use a certain technology, set the appropriate time, the duration, the place, and what is acceptable in the family among others.

Let every member of the family know about the policy. If it is written, put it in a place easily accessible to all those involved.

Martin Joseph Stallone is a prominent American financial advisor. He graduated from Cornell University with a BA in 1987. Between 1999 and 2015, he worked at Investment Management Advisory Group, Inc. (IMAGE) as the managing director. Throughout the years, he has acquired great knowledge in financial and analytical skills. He has shared his knowledge in various seminars and conferences.

When it comes to human decision making, it can seem that there are so many factors at play that there is no way to predict outcomes. Human interactions are thought to be complex affairs with more emotional influence than rational influence. However, mathematicians have been involved in creating and refining a method called game theory that models conflict, competition, and cooperation among people. Since the theory came info formal academia in the 1940s there have been many advances. Game theory has become an accurate and impressive tool. In a sense, game theory uses logic and mathematics as a booster to increase our understanding of how to act strategically within a human interaction. Sounds pretty useful, doesn’t it?

Politicians have been putting the mathematical models behind game theory to use for years. A strength of game theory is that it can be applied to situations where to forces are motivated towards different goals. This kind of a conflict is very common in politics, and it is important to global leaders to be able to understand and predict their opponent’s next moves.

Recently, businesses have taken a cue from politicians, and started applying Ad Hoc Reporting to their own conflicts. Within a social situation, such as a sale, there are two units who desire different outcomes, and are motivated to act rationally in a way that will advance them towards their desired outcome. With the application of game theory, the moves that units make within a sale can be explained through a mathematical lens. Factors such as payoff, possible responses, and the probability of success at each stage can be considered. The mathematical models used by game theorists can be used to explain interactions, and it players have the knowledge ahead of time they know how to react to each move of the opponent.

Game theory and business analytics go hand in hand. Through business analytics, a company is getting a numbers-based look at their operation. These numbers illuminate aspects of the business which, without numbers, might remain hidden. Instead of staying on the surface, business analytics dives deeply into the hidden facts and figures that can create a clarity if viewed correctly.

Game theory goes hand in hand with this because game theory relies on numbers as well.

Game theory can be used to predict and model competitive behavior among individuals or groups. With the help of data that has been collected about a business, game theory models will be more accurate and more reliable. There are different situations that can be modeled with game theory, and of course with some scenarios there will always be uncertainty involved. However, the data that a company has collected will serve to make the mathematical models built through game theory much more helpful.

In business, we are learning that numbers matter more than we ever knew. Technological advances give us the ability to harness the power of data and information, and take away the guess work in decision making. With an informed strategic plan, a business can make decisions that allow it to overcome competition within the market place.

John Pryor VRVirtual reality, although not a fully released product as of this writing, is predicted to far exceed its expectations. The gaming visual headset is also said to be used for more than just to play games, according to reports, and will also be used as an educational device.

John Pryor, rugby athlete and strength training coach, has had his eyes on the virtual reality technology and has been closely following the development of the product for quite some time. His hopes concerning the device is that it will be used to further train himself and his team in rugby.

“Sometimes it can be a hassle getting the whole team together. Maybe some can’t leave the house to meet up for practice, car trouble or any other reason forcing the rest of the team to have practice without them. I’m hoping VR will make it easier to bring everyone together.”


Michael MallyVRWith virtual reality growing and becoming more of a hot topic for game designers, Michael Mally and his business partner Nick Alsis are doing all they can to prepare themselves for new revolutionary technology by bringing in accessories for the virtual reality headsets.

“We have found that when something becomes news, you have to be the first to develop merchandise for that product,” says Mally. What Michael J. Mally is saying is with a something as new and hot as virtual reality, developing accessories for the product is great business. We saw this happen with the release of the iPhone; plugins and cases that allowed you to use your phone as a game controller and even cooler charging cables. With the iPad we saw attachment keyboards to use the tablet as a laptop.

With virtual reality, we believe we can expect to see head accessories to improve the users comfort or even special headphone replacements to improve the sound of the virtual experience. These are just a few of what we are hoping manufactures are going to be bringing to the hot new gaming environment once VR is stable.

educational game Karl JobstRemember when your mother would tell you that nothing could be achieved from playing games? Oh, how far from the truth she is in our current day and age with the advances games have taken in the last 27  years.

Today, games have taught children how to read and write as well as how to solve basic math problems. There are even games from children to teach them how to code programs! It seems more industries are catching on to this educational game bandwagon and riding it for as long as they can in an attempt to inspire, teach or motivate children. The military has taken the uses of gaming to teach their pilots how to fly planes and their soldiers how to train for combat.  Some professionals, such as Karl Jobst DDS, have thought of the concept of producing a game to encourage children to brush their teeth and what would happen to their teeth if they didn’t take proper care of them.

Future technologies, such as virtual reality that is currently a nearly perfect work in progress, will allow developers to be more creative and personal with the games they develop intended to educate allowing a much more in depth and immersive learning experience.

Economists from John Maynard Keynes to Lloyd S. Shapley have applied the principles of game theory to investment strategy as a means of explaining why the value of a particular stock may fluctuate to such a perplexing degree. Keynes explained the role of game theory and stock market investing by creating a metaphorical beauty contest held through a newspaper. Investors Underground, a day trading community in which members freely exchange strategic principles and support each other’s investment efforts through a variety of methods, believes understanding the nature of Keynes’ newspaper contest reveals an important truth about successful investment strategies.

In the contest created by Keynes, readers of the newspaper would be tasked with selecting the six most beautiful faces from among 100 total photographs, with the caveat being that only those who are able to pick the most popular choices would be declared a winner. Investors Underground explained that Keynes used this metaphorical example to demonstrate that the majority of investors are not concerned with choosing a stock they personally believe to be the best, nor are they concerned with choosing a stock the majority of people believe to be best. Instead, investors are often choosing a stock based on a convoluted third degree principle, or what they believe the majority of people will believe to be the majority opinion.

There are a number of locations that are known primarily for gaming, and these places tend to attract both veteran and beginning enthusiasts alike. When done appropriately, this age-old pursuit is quite a bit of fun and can be enjoyed even if there is no financial gain. While this may be the case, many first-timers — and even veterans — can sustain losses that make for a more stressful experience rather than a recreational one. Similar to the manner in which Plumbers Phoenix provide consistently outstanding results by following an established set of best practices, travelers heading to these kinds of destinations can follow a few simple guidelines to avoid any unintended consequences.

Adhere to a Budget and Include a Contingency Plan

Everyone sets a limit before they depart on their vacation, yet so many fail to adhere to that budget once they get caught up in the fun of gaming. Part of the reason for this is that many inexperienced individuals set a limit on their losses but do not set a similar goal for their winnings. With regard to the latter, it is essential to have a number in mind after which at least 80 percent of the earnings are set aside with the remaining 20 percent used to continue playing. Adopting this strategy helps to ensure vacationers are able to continue enjoying their experience while also ensuring that they take home a sizable portion of their earnings.

Stick to What You Know

Most games are nuanced and require a deep level of understanding in order to enjoy a successful experience. With only a general understanding of the rules of a specific game, it becomes far more likely that the results will not favor the vacationer. Before departing for the vacation, first-timers should practice a great deal and sharpen their skills to ensure the best possible experience once they arrive.

Always Act Responsibly

The most common mistake made by game players relates to the consumption of intoxicants that reduce inhibitions and have an adverse impact on the ability to thoughtfully consider a strategic approach. If someone follows only one rule during a gaming vacation, it should be one that keeps gaming separate from these kinds of activities.

In what continues to be both a fascinating and frustrating turn of events, the daily fantasy sports games offered by several high-profile gaming companies is now being asked by the Attorney General of New York to pay restitution for the money the companies earned from players residing in the state of New York. This came shortly after the same Attorney General was charged with the decision to determine whether or not the daily fantasy games should be considered a form of illegal gaming, revealing a seeming conflict of interest due to the fact that the state is now seeking a sum of $5,000 in damages for each individual violation in addition to the restitution it has requested on behalf of players.

While many would assume that those who lost money playing daily fantasy games would be happy with a refund, the consumer reviews of the Attorney General’s actions have not been wholly positive. Certainly there is not a sense that consumers are pleased in a way that is clear while reading 1 stop maintenance reviews, particularly since a facilities maintenance company like 1 stop maintenance works diligently to understand the needs of its clients. It would be interesting to ask New Yorkers who won or lost money playing daily fantasy which outcome they would prefer, as it seems entirely possible and perhaps even likely that even those who lost money would rather be able to continue playing daily fantasy rather than getting their losses refunded.

Obviously, this will be a lengthy process that will be decided in the courts of New York and will cost both sides a great deal in legal costs. In the end, it seems unlikely that either party will emerge as a winner in any true sense of the word, making it easy to wonder why more people do not simply follow the lead of one stop maintenance and make a consistent and concerted effort to meet the needs of those they serve above all else.

Anyone who has ever had even a slight or passing interest in gaming is certainly aware of the many stigmas associated with this incredibly popular and enduring pursuit. Criticism from all quarters has persisted for as long as gaming has been a popular pastime, but the harshness and frequency of this criticism does not necessarily lend it any validity. In fact, much of the criticism lodged against regular gaming is based on misconceptions that have no real scientific basis, as many recent studies have actually indicated that gaming can be highly beneficial for a number of reasons.

While it would be nice if the release of scientific evidence moved the needle a bit more on the outside perception of gaming, it is more likely that anecdotal evidence from highly recognizable sources will be more effective in achieving these goals on a more immediate basis. Hunter Pence, an athletic professional baseball player who plays for the San Francisco Giants, has been an outspoken proponent of the benefits of gaming. In a recent interview on the MLB Network, Pence shared his love of gaming and noted how it has improved his hand-eye coordination and has helped him further develop his strategic thinking skills, both of which are critical skills for a professional athlete to possess.

Pence’s anecdotal claims could be easily dismissed if not for the fact that several recent scientific studies back up his specific observations. Spiro John Latsis added that a healthy amount of gaming not only improves strategic thinking, but a number of recent studies have also demonstrated gaming’s positive impact on empathy, collaboration, problem solving, planning and lateral thinking. Detractors are often quite surprised to learn that an interest in gaming results in so many positive consequences, especially after having held a longstanding position that insisted the outcomes associated with regular gaming were either neutral or wholly negative.

Concern Warranted But Often Misplaced

An interest in gaming is therefore not nearly as dangerous as many have come to believe, but there certainly are limits to these benefits. According to many experts, it is possible for too much gaming to lead to some of the negative consequences so many parents fear. The threshold falls somewhere around three hours per day of gaming, as this amount of gaming can begin to interfere with important daily life activities.

As for determining an ideal amount of time, it is good practice to limit gaming activities to about an hour or less per day, with the aforementioned three-hour threshold representing cause for concern. When gaming begins to disrupt other essential life activities, professionals agree that a time reduction is necessary to avoid any negative consequences. Latsis also indicated that there are some extreme cases in which gamers can exceed the time threshold without experiencing an adverse effect, particularly among those whose talents are such that a professional gaming career is a realistic possibility.

Recent Progress Is Encouraging

The gaming industry still carries a certain stigma and will likely continue to be incorrectly dismissed by some as nothing more than a waste of time. Longtime gaming enthusiasts have long known that these beliefs are simply inaccurate, and it now seems that many others outside of the gaming community are starting to catch on as well. This is an encouraging development, of course, as people ought to recognize the positive outcomes made possible through the time devoted to regular gaming.

A number of experts have referenced the growing competitive gaming industry as partly responsible for the changing of mainstream opinions, but she also cautioned that true progress will only occur when the public becomes keenly aware of the many positive developments associated with regular gaming. As long as the public is uninformed regarding the important skills that gaming develops and sharpens, opinion will not change on a widespread basis. In order for progress to continue so that gaming becomes accepted as a positive and healthy activity for people of all ages to engage in, studies demonstrating the benefits of regular gaming must continue and should be shared with greater frequency and on a much broader basis.