John Pryor VRVirtual reality, although not a fully released product as of this writing, is predicted to far exceed its expectations. The gaming visual headset is also said to be used for more than just to play games, according to reports, and will also be used as an educational device.

John Pryor, rugby athlete and strength training coach, has had his eyes on the virtual reality technology and has been closely following the development of the product for quite some time. His hopes concerning the device is that it will be used to further train himself and his team in rugby.

“Sometimes it can be a hassle getting the whole team together. Maybe some can’t leave the house to meet up for practice, car trouble or any other reason forcing the rest of the team to have practice without them. I’m hoping VR will make it easier to bring everyone together.”


Michael MallyVRWith virtual reality growing and becoming more of a hot topic for game designers, Michael Mally and his business partner Nick Alsis are doing all they can to prepare themselves for new revolutionary technology by bringing in accessories for the virtual reality headsets.

“We have found that when something becomes news, you have to be the first to develop merchandise for that product,” says Mally. What Michael J. Mally is saying is with a something as new and hot as virtual reality, developing accessories for the product is great business. We saw this happen with the release of the iPhone; plugins and cases that allowed you to use your phone as a game controller and even cooler charging cables. With the iPad we saw attachment keyboards to use the tablet as a laptop.

With virtual reality, we believe we can expect to see head accessories to improve the users comfort or even special headphone replacements to improve the sound of the virtual experience. These are just a few of what we are hoping manufactures are going to be bringing to the hot new gaming environment once VR is stable.